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What the fvck, Jack?

Nothing but reverence, appreciation, and respect for Special Counsel Jack Smith

… with everything he's doing for our country right now.

But, crimony, what does a corrupt judge gotta do to get a little 11th-Circuit-file-for-recusal attention 'round here?

Btw, I've noticed a recurrent confusion about 1 notoriously corrupt #JudgeAileenCannon.

"Is she competent?"

"How could she screw things up so badly?"

"God, she must be dumb!"

So let's clear this up now:

There is only 1 game she's playing comprised of only 2 components.

And she's winning through both of them.


Whenever she gets heat, she gives a measured prosecution concession or two. Just enough to not get thrown off…

To corrupt/delay more later.

She does this periodically. Most recently in June. Throws people off her Trump-saving agenda scent.

Did so in February.

Gives a small prosecution concession. Just enough to keep herself on the case to undo & delay more later.

Just enough to take a skosch of the heat off her…

only usually to be discovered…

a sweet little surprise aspect to said concession inside it… for Trump’s benefit.

Like a court-order-Trojan horse.

Just like her Trojan breadcrumbs in February.

Also she can keep continuing…


1.) To remain on the case w/o getting removed by the 11th circuit... so that she can

2.) continue making moves in the case *no matter what* which overall favor Donald Trump.

That's it.

Don't get removed from the case, continue affecting it in Trump's favor.

No matter what.

That's... her whole game.

And she's probably marveling,

not only at how unable anybody is to stop her from winning her 2 item agenda... ever... but that some people don't even realize... these are...

the only... 2 items.

So from this point forward, w/each new development in the Mar-a-Lago documents case, hold it up against that litmus test above & ask:

Did she succeed in both of those things.. or... did she not succeed in both of those things?

She's never failed to so far.

Not... once.

And as far as stopping her from accomplishing these sole 2 items on her agenda...

everyone else... has.


Every single time.

Without exception.

Let that sink in.

And consider it the next time someone feels inclined to revel in... how... "dumb"... she supposedly is.

Everyone else?

Running around in circles through legal procedure.


Never failed her agenda...

one... single... time.

She's... *killing* it.

Hope this clears things up.

Now, everybody sing along 🎶

Nobody Asked Me
Nobody Asked Me