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The Quiet Room.

You may be about a half an hour away from a potential, newly appreciated added perspective. Or not.

Any genuine reaction you have now… is accepted as… where we’ll simply have to face being now. Any genuine changing reactions you may have upon reflection… occurring however much later… will determine in large part where all of us can meaningfully go alongside one another… from here.

If you happen to be struggling with expressing your pro-democracy convictions to someone you care about, such as family who just can't seem to hear where you're coming from, nor why you genuinely may feel scared for them from a heartfelt place… watch this compilation video.

See if you feel it might constructively, and without compromising your ethical hard lines nor your concerns for what this movement is doing to people, faithfully represent your ethical disposition before them.

Something that they could watch in a little over half an hour, with its perhaps acting as a potential catalyst for actually beginning a constructive conversation.

If you think it might…

perhaps consider taking the leap and have them sit down with you to watch it. Or, if your instinct better informs you, have them watch it on their own.

Perhaps there's some chance watching this will help convey the urgency of your concern in a comprehensive enough way to help soften the divide between you, prompting a genuine mutual desire to understand & discuss things further with them through a new tonal approach.

If it doesn't, don't despair. There will be other opportunities and approaches to try. This is merely a possible one.

Nobody Asked Me
Nobody Asked Me